Meaning of STAB in English

v. & n.

--v. (stabbed, stabbing)

1. tr. pierce or wound with a (usu. short) pointed tool or weapon e.g. a knife or dagger.

2 intr. (often foll. by at) aim a blow with such a weapon.

3 intr. cause a sensation like being stabbed (stabbing pain).

4 tr. hurt or distress (a person, feelings, conscience, etc.).

5 intr. (foll. by at) aim a blow at a person's reputation, etc.


1. a an instance of stabbing. b a blow or thrust with a knife etc.

2 a wound made in this way.

3 a blow or pain inflicted on a person's feelings.

4 colloq. an attempt, a try.

Phrases and idioms:

stab in the back n. a treacherous or slanderous attack. slander or betray.


stabber n.

Etymology: ME: cf. dial. stob in sense 1 of v.

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.