1. n. & v.
1. the warmest season of the year, in the N. hemisphere from June to August and in the S. hemisphere from December to February.
2 Astron. the period from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox.
3 the hot weather typical of summer.
4 (often foll. by of) the mature stage of life; the height of achievement, powers, etc.
5 (esp. in pl.) poet. a year (esp. of a person's age) (a child of ten summers).
6 (attrib.) characteristic of or suitable for summer (summer clothes).
1. intr. (usu. foll. by at, in) pass the summer.
2 tr. (often foll. by at, in) pasture (cattle).
Phrases and idioms:
summer-house a light building in a garden etc. used for sitting in in fine weather. summer lightning sheet lightning without thunder, resulting from a distant storm. summer pudding Brit. a pudding of soft summer fruit encased in bread or sponge. summer school a course of lectures etc. held during the summer vacation, esp. at a university. summer solstice see SOLSTICE. summer time Brit. the period between March and October during which the clocks are advanced an hour (cf. SUMMERTIME). summer-weight (of clothes) suitable for use in summer, esp. because of their light weight.
summerless adj. summerly adv. summery adj.
Etymology: OE sumor 2. n. (in full summer-tree) a horizontal bearing beam, esp. one supporting joists or rafters.
Etymology: ME f. AF sumer, somer packhorse, beam, OF somier f. LL sagmarius f. sagma f. Gk sagma pack-saddle