Meaning of WICCA in English

Wicca : a Neo-pagan polytheistic religion with roots in pre-Christian, pre-Celtic Europe. Wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede: "do whatever you wish, as long as you harm nobody, including yourself" . Power, manipulation and control of others strictly prohibited; drug usage usually confined to wine. Rare ritual sexual activity is practiced, but only in private between committed adult couples. Wiccans do not proselytize. Most Wiccans are solitary practitioners; some form democratically organized covens, typically of 5 or more people. The minimum age for training or initiation is usually 18. Conservative usage: evil occultic practice based on a lust for power, manipulation and control. Rigid ritual practice; heavy illegal drug usage and sexual activity; organize into covens of 13 members each; practice shape shifting (human to animal). Active recruiters, particularly of young people.

English glossary of religious terms.      Английский глоссарий религиозных терминов.