Meaning of POTTEROTICA in English

This word may have been coined by Neva Chonin, who wrote about the trend of writing erotic stories based on the characters in the Harry Potter books in the San Francisco Chronicle: Pieces of Potter erotica (or is it Potterotica?) limning the sex lives of Hogwarts wizards and witches-- straight, gay or a bit of both--are proliferating like mushrooms in a dungeon, most of them creatively fast-forwarded to a time when all parties are safely over the age of consent. Web site: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2001/12/04/neva.DTL&type=printable Example: Among the legion of Harry Potter fan sites is a growing number containing what can only be described as Potterotica.

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