â A Levite, one of the sons of Asaph. (1 Chronicles 9:15) (B.C. 536.)
â Another Levite, of the family of Elkanah. (1 Chronicles 9:16)
â A third Levite, son of Jeduthun. (Nehemiah 11:17) (B.C. 536.)
â A Levite, one of the sons of Asaph. (1 Chronicles 9:15) (B.C. 536.)
â Another Levite, of the family of Elkanah. (1 Chronicles 9:16)
â A third Levite, son of Jeduthun. (Nehemiah 11:17) (B.C. 536.)
Smith's Bible English dictionary. Английский библейский словарь Смита. 2012