Meaning of JEDAIAH in English

→ A Simeonite, forefather of Ziza. (1 Chronicles 4:37)

→ Son of Harumaph; a man who did his part in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:10) (B.C. 446.) (praise Jehovah).

→ Head of the second course of priests, as they were divided in the time of David. (1 Chronicles 24:7) (B.C. 1014.) some of them survived to return to Jerusalem after the Babylonish captivity, as appears from (Ezra 2:36; Nehemiah 7:39)

→ A priest in the time of Jeshua the high priest. (Zechariah 6:10,14) (B.C. 536.)

Smith's Bible English dictionary.      Английский библейский словарь Смита.