In musicians' slang (originally in Australia): a musician, a music fanatic. Etymology: Formed by abbreviating musician and adding the colloquial suffix -o; like journo, a typically Australian slang nickname. History and Usage: Muso has been used in Australia since the late sixties, and is used there of classical as well as popular musicians. It had started to appear in the popular music press in the UK by the late seventies (and so was probably in spoken use for some time before that), but in British use it seems to be more or less limited to the pop and rock scene. Since he's also a muso, and has a brother...with Whitesnake connections, it seemed like a good idea to turn all the background knowledge of crass horrors into more than a Trapeze reunion, a rockstravaganza called 'Phenomena'. Sounds 27 July 1985, p. 17 It's hard to imagine many people, apart from die-hard musos and dedicated Gabriel fans, would want to listen to this in the comfort of their own home. Empire Sept. 1989, p. 108
Meaning of MUSO NOUN (MUSIC) in English
English colloquial dictionary, new words. Английский разговорный словарь - новые слова. 2012