Meaning of CALLING in English

noun title; appellation; name.

2. calling ·noun a summoning or convocation, as of parliament.

3. calling · & ·vb.n. of call.

4. calling ·noun one's usual occupation, or employment; vocation; business; trade.

5. calling ·noun a divine summons or invitation; also, the state of being divinely called.

6. calling ·noun the persons, collectively, engaged in any particular professions or employment.

7. calling ·noun the act of one who calls; a crying aloud, ·esp. in order to summon, or to attact the attention of, some one.

8. calling ·noun a naming, or inviting; a reading over or reciting in order, or a call of names with a view to obtaining an answer, as in legislative bodies.

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