Meaning of DEBATE in English

vt subject of discussion.

2. debate ·vt a fight or fighting; contest; strife.

3. debate ·vt to engage in combat for; to strive for.

4. debate ·vi to engage in strife or combat; to fight.

5. debate ·vt contention in words or arguments; discussion for the purpose of elucidating truth or influencing action; strife in argument; controversy; as, the debates in parliament or in congress.

6. debate ·vi to contend in words; to dispute; hence, to deliberate; to consider; to discuss or examine different arguments in the mind;

— often followed by on or upon.

7. debate ·vt to contend for in words or arguments; to strive to maintain by reasoning; to dispute; to contest; to discuss; to argue for and against.

Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Webster.