noun a dark-complexioned person.
2. gypsy ·noun a cunning or crafty person.
3. gypsy ·noun the language used by the gypsies.
4. gypsy ·adj pertaining to, or suitable for, gypsies.
5. gypsy ·vi to play the gypsy; to picnic in the woods.
6. gypsy ·add. ·- ·alt. of gipsy, moth.
7. gypsy ·noun one of a vagabond race, whose tribes, coming originally from india, entered europe in 14th or 15th centry, and are now scattered over turkey, russia, hungary, spain, england, ·etc., living by theft, fortune telling, horsejockeying, tinkering, ·etc. ·cf. bohemian, romany.