adj a field of battle.
2. plain ·adv in a plain manner; plainly.
3. plain ·superl open; clear; unencumbered; equal; fair.
4. plain ·superl not much varied by modulations; as, a plain tune.
5. plain ·v to plane or level; to make plain or even on the surface.
6. plain ·superl not variegated, dyed, or figured; as, plain muslin.
7. plain ·v to make plain or manifest; to explain.
8. plain ·superl without beauty; not handsome; homely; as, a plain woman.
9. plain ·superl not luxurious; not highly seasoned; simple; as, plain food.
10. plain ·vt to lament; to mourn over; as, to plain a loss.
11. plain ·superl free from affectation or disguise; candid; sincere; artless; honest; frank.
12. plain ·superl not intricate or difficult; evident; manifest; obvious; clear; unmistakable.
13. plain ·superl void of extraneous beauty or ornament; without conspicious embellishment; not rich; simple.
14. plain ·superl without elevations or depressions; flat; level; smooth; even. ·see plane.
15. plain ·vi to lament; to bewail; to complain.
xvi. plain ·superl not highly cultivated; unsophisticated; free from show or pretension; simple; natural; homely; common.
xvii. plain ·adj level land; usually, an open field or a broad stretch of land with an even surface, or a surface little varied by inequalities; as, the plain of jordan; the american plains, or prairies.