Meaning of THWART in English

prep across; athwart.

2. thwart ·adj fig.: perverse; crossgrained.

3. thwart ·adj thwartly; obliquely; transversely; athwart.

4. thwart ·vi to move or go in an oblique or crosswise manner.

5. thwart ·vi hence, to be in opposition; to clash.

6. thwart ·adj situated or placed across something else; transverse; oblique.

7. thwart ·noun a seat in an open boat reaching from one side to the other, or athwart the boat.

8. thwart ·vt to move across or counter to; to cross; as, an arrow thwarts the air.

9. thwart ·vt to cross, as a purpose; to oppose; to run counter to; to contravene; hence, to frustrate or defeat.

Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Webster.