Meaning of AARDVARK in English

ˈärdˌvärk noun

also erd·vark ˈe(ə)rdˌvärk

( -s )

Etymology: obsolete Afrikaans aardvark (now erdvark ), from aard earth + vark pig; akin to Old English eorthe earth and to Old English fearh little pig — more at earth , farrow

: a burrowing nocturnal African mammal about five feet long that feeds on ants and termites, has a long snout, a snakelike tongue, large ears, and a heavy tapering tail, and is usually considered to form a single variable species ( Orycteropus afer ) that is the sole recent representative of the obscure mammalian order Tubulidentata — called also ant bear, anteater, earth pig


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