transitive verb
or ac·cou·ter əˈküd.ə(r), -ütə- also aˈk-
( accoutred or accoutered ; accoutred or accoutered ; accou·tring or accou·ter·ing -üd.əriŋ, -ütər-, -ü.tr- ; accoutres or accouters )
Etymology: French accoutrer, from Middle French acoustrer, from a- (from Latin ad- ) + costure seam, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin consutura, from Latin consutus (past participle of consuere to sew together, from com- + suere to sew) + -ura -ure — more at sew
: to fit out : dress : provide with equipment or furnishings : equip especially for military service — usually used passively
they were properly accoutreed for the trip
accoutreed for battle
Synonyms: see furnish