I. əˈkwī(ə)r, -īə also aˈ- transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: alteration (influenced by Latin acquirere ) of earlier acquere, from Middle English aqueren, from Middle French aquerre, from Latin acquirere, from ad- + -quirere (from quaerere to seek, gain, obtain, ask)
1. : to come into possession, control, or power of disposal of often by some uncertain or unspecified means
had accumulated for her about as much money as she had herself acquired — Arnold Bennett
2. : to come to have as a characteristic, attribute, trait, or ability often by sustained effort
he had taken kindly to these languages and had rapidly and easily mastered what many boys take years in acquiring — Samuel Butler †1902
Synonyms: see get
II. transitive verb
: to locate and hold (a desired object) in a detector
acquire a target by radar