I. |alig|zandrə̇n, |el-, -lēg-, -ˌdrīn, -ˌdrēn sometimes -zȧn- adjective
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Middle French alexandrin, from Alexandre Alexander the Great died 323 B.C. king of Macedonia + Middle French -in -ine; from its use in an Old French poem on Alexander
: of, relating to, or having the structure of an alexandrine
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: often capitalized
: a verse of 12 syllables or of 13 syllables when with feminine rhyme consisting regularly of 6 iambics with a caesura after the 3d iambic — compare heroic verse
III. adjective
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Latin Alexandrinus, from Alexandria, Egypt + Latin -inus -ine
: alexandrian