|alə̇|gȯrə̇kəl, -lē|-, -är- adjective
also al·le·gor·ic -ik, -ēk
Etymology: Middle English allegorik, from Late Latin allegoricus, from Greek allēgorikos, from allēgoria allegory + -ikos -ic — more at allegory
1. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of allegory or an allegory : occurring in, constituting, or containing an allegory
allegorical poetry
allegorical figures
an allegorical interpretation
2. : stressing a hidden spiritual meaning transcending the literal sense of the text of sacred books
• al·le·gor·i·cal·ly -ə̇k(ə)lē, -i adverb
• al·le·gor·i·cal·ness noun -es