I. əˈlȯft also -äft adverb
Etymology: Middle English aloft, alofte from Old Norse ā lopt, ā lopti, from ā on, in + lopt, lopti, accusative & dative respectively of lopt air, sky — more at on , loft
a. : in the higher atmosphere above the earth
weather conditions aloft are poor
b. : at a relatively great height : high up
huge black buzzards hovered aloft — H.E.Rieseberg
a. : up into the air : away from or off the ground
the air is filled with dust whirled aloft — P.E.James
b. : upward from an inferior position or from a depressing mood
this happy news sent their spirits soaring aloft
c. : in the air ; especially : in flight (as of an airplane)
an airline famous for the wonderful meals served aloft
3. nautical : at, on, or to the masthead or the higher rigging
going aloft to unfurl the lighter sails — H.A.Chippendale
4. archaic : on or at the top
a ladder with a man aloft
II. preposition
Etymology: Middle English alofte, from alofte, adverb
1. obsolete : on the top of
2. obsolete : above , over
they bear her still aloft men's heads — George Chapman