I. ˈaməˌlȯid adjective
or amy·loi·dal | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷d ə l
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary amyl- + -oid, -oidal
1. : resembling or containing amylum : resembling starch
2. : relating to or marked by the production of amyloid (sense 3)
II. noun
( -s )
1. : a nonnitrogenous starchy food : a starchlike substance
a. : a gelatinous hydrated cellulose produced by the action of moderately concentrated sulfuric acid on cellulose (as in making parchment paper)
b. : a gummy substance found in the seeds of the nasturtium and other plants
3. : a waxy translucent substance related to protein and deposited in some animal organs under abnormal conditions probably involving a disturbance of protein metabolism