ˈanikˌdōt also -nək-; usu -ōd.+V noun
( plural anecdotes -ts ; or anecdo·ta ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈdōd.ə, -ōtə ; see numbered senses )
Etymology: French & Greek; French, from Greek anekdotos unpublished, from an- + ekdotos given out, from ekdidonai to give out, publish, from ek out, out of + didonai to give — more at ex- , date
1. plural anecdota , also anecdotes : items of unpublished or secret history or biography
2. plural anecdotes : a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or curious incident often biographical and generally characterized by human interest
• an·ec·dot·ism ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌdōd.ˌizəm, -ōˌtiz- noun -s
• an·ec·dot·ist -ōd.ə̇st, -ōtə̇- noun -s