|aprə̇|hend, -rē|- verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English apprehenden, from Latin apprehendere to grasp mentally, seize, from ad- + prehendere to seize — more at prehensile
transitive verb
a. obsolete : to come to know : learn
b. : to lay hold of with the understanding : recognize the existence or meaning of
c. obsolete : to sense emotionally : appreciate
d. : to anticipate especially with anxiety, dread, or fear
e. : to become aware of through the senses
apprehend the flame of a candle
f. : to view or consider as being of a certain description
apprehend eternal truths
a. obsolete : to take possession of : take hold of
b. : to take (a person) in legal process : arrest , seize
apprehend a thief
intransitive verb
: to receive knowledge or grasp notions
Synonyms: see foresee