I. |ärkə̇|lōkēən adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Archiloch us, 7th century B.C. Greek poet (from Latin, from Greek Archilochos ) + English -ian
a. : of or relating to Archilochus
b. : trenchant , sarcastic , bitter
2. : marked by use of Archilochians or of Archilochian strophes
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: usually capitalized
: a verse form ascribed to Archilochus: as
a. : a line composed of a dactylic tetrapody followed by a trochaic tripody — called also greater Archilochian
b. : a dactylic tripody catalectic — sometimes called also lesser Archilochian
c. : a dactylic tetrapody with spondee or trochee as the fourth foot
d. : a dicolon composed of a complete prosodiac followed by an ithyphallic