ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷niks noun plural but singular in construction
( also ar·chi·tec·ton·ic -ik)
1. : the science of architecture
2. philosophy
a. : the doctrine of pure method or of the abstract systematization of knowledge
b. : the abstract scheme or plan or the purely formal elucidation of something
a. : the structural design that imposes order, balance, and unity upon a work or an entity : the element of form that relates the parts to each other and to the whole
good novels … have rhythm, architectonics , focus — New Republic
drawing is the architectonics , … the living skeleton of painting — George Biddle
b. : system of structure : plan of order
Dante's … architectonics of the relationships of authority and obedience — Israel Knox