Meaning of ARSENAL in English

ˈärs( ə )nəl, ˈȧs- noun

( -s )

Etymology: Italian arsenale, modification of Arabic dār ṣinā'ah court or house of industry or manufacture

1. archaic : dockyard


a. : an establishment often operated and maintained by the government for the manufacture, repair, storage, or issue of arms and other military equipment

b. : a storehouse or source of supply for arms, ammunition, or other military equipment

we must be the great arsenal of democracy — F.D.Roosevelt

c. : a stock or collection of weapons

Wild Bill added one item to his usual arsenal of two revolvers and bowie knife — S.H.Holbrook

3. : store , storehouse : supply , repertory

this was the arsenal of learning from which he drew — Van Wyck Brooks

will have occasion to use her full arsenal of charm, clear thinking, and equanimity — Robert Rice

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