|astig|mad.ik, -tēg-, -atik, -ēk adjective
also as·tig·mat·i·cal -ə̇kəl, -ēk-
Etymology: a- (II) + Greek stigmat-, stigma spot, mark + English -ic, -ical
1. : affected with or relating to astigmatism
astigmatic eyes
: correcting astigmatism
astigmatic lenses
2. : having or showing an inability or unwillingness to observe, discriminate, or evaluate closely or in accordance with fact
astigmatic , flabby, and bemused writing about the Civil War — Bernard De Voto
an astigmatic fanaticism, a disregard for the facts — New York Herald Tribune
• as·tig·mat·i·cal·ly -ə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li adverb