I. ˈastrəl, ˈaas- adjective
Etymology: Late Latin astralis, from Latin astrum star (from Greek astron ) + alis -al — more at star
a. : of or relating to the stars
astral myths
astral imagery
: coming or thought of as coming from the stars
astral beams
astral influences
b. : consisting of stars : like stars
astral showers
: starry
an astral gleam
2. biology : of or relating to an aster
astral rays
3. theosophy : consisting of, belonging to, or being a supersensible substance supposed to be next above the tangible world in refinement
4. : suggestive of the remoteness of the stars (as from common concerns or values): as
a. : visionary , unworldly
an astral and most impractical thinker
b. : exalted
the most astral circles of society
• as·tral·ly -əlē, -li adverb
II. noun
( -s )
1. : astral lamp
2. theosophy : an astral body or spirit