əˈtān verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English atteynen, ateignen, from Old French ataign-, stem of ataindre, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin attangere, alteration (influenced by Latin tangere ) of Latin attingere, from ad- + tangere to touch, reach — more at tangent
transitive verb
1. : reach , gain , achieve , accomplish
difficult to attain a realistic effect
attain repose
attain his goal
2. obsolete : to get at the knowledge of : ascertain
3. : to come into possession of : obtain
attain a kingdom
attain preferment
4. obsolete : get at overtake , catch
5. : to reach or come to by progression or motion : arrive at
attain the top of the hill
attain a ripe old age
intransitive verb
: to come or arrive by motion, growth, or effort toward a place, object, or state : reach
to his stature we … may in time attain — C.W.Eliot
— usually used with to or unto
this plant attains to a height of 10 feet
Synonyms: see reach