(ˈ)ȯ|täkthənəs adjective
also au·toch·tho·nal -n ə l ; or au·toch·thon·ic |ȯˌtäk|thänik
1. : indigenous , native , aboriginal — used especially of floras and faunas
a. : formed or occurring in the place where found : authigenic
autochthonous rock
autochthonous minerals
b. : indigenous to a region
autochthonous fossils
: endemic
autochthonous malaria
: not imported : native
autochthonous culture
autochthonous literature
3. geology : not displaced by overthrusting
an autochthonous zone
4. : originating in that part of the body where found — used chiefly of pathological conditions
Synonyms: see native