I. ˈāvər
now chiefly Scotland
variant of aiver
II. əˈvər, +V -ər.; -və̄, +V -ər. also -ə̄r transitive verb
( averred ; averred ; averring ; avers )
Etymology: Middle English averren, from Middle French averer, from Medieval Latin adverare to confirm as authentic, from Latin ad- + Medieval Latin -verare (from Latin verus true) — more at very
1. obsolete : to acknowledge (a statement) as true
2. archaic : to acknowledge the existence of : admit as valid or real
a. : avouch , verify
b. : assert , claim , declare
4. : to affirm or declare in a positive confident manner : insist emphatically
he had proudly averred that he needed no help
Synonyms: see assert