Meaning of BACONIAN in English

I. (ˈ)bā|kōnēən also bəˈk- or -nyən adjective

also ba·con·ic -känik

Usage: usually capitalized

Etymology: Francis Bacon died 1626 English philosopher & author + English -ian or -ic


a. : of or relating to Francis Bacon or his doctrines, especially his belief in the inductive origin of valid ideas, the testing of ideas by controlled and scientific methods, and human progress and improvement by the control of nature through scientific knowledge

their Baconian fear of speculative hypotheses — Sidney Ratner

the Baconian principle of scientific investigation — C.W.Shumaker

the Baconian theory of the experiential origin of all ideas to counter … intuitionism and absolutism — Willis Moore

b. of a logical method : consisting of the process of attaining general statements on the basis of observations, comparisons, and experiments through intermediate generalizations and with regard for negative as well as positive instances — compare induction

2. : of or relating to the Baconians who believe that Francis Bacon was the author of the dramatic works usually attributed to Shakespeare

II. noun

( -s )

Usage: usually capitalized

: one who supports or believes in Baconian doctrines

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