also bak·shish or bakh·sheesh or bakh·shish ˈbakˌshēsh, ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷
( plural baksheesh )
Etymology: Persian bakhshīsh, from bakhshīdan to give, from Middle Persian; akin to Avestan baxshaiti he has or gives a share, Greek phagein to eat, Tocharian A pāk part, Old Slavic bogatŭ rich, bogŭ god, Sanskrit bhakṣati he enjoys, consumes, bhajati he allots, and perhaps to Old High German backe, bahho cheek; basic meaning: allot
especially in northern Africa & southwestern Asia : a gift of money (as for a favor or as a reward) : tip
knowing our porters could go no farther in their light clothes, we gave them their wages, plus liberal baksheesh , and sent them back — Edmund Hillary
also : alms
assailed by hordes of homeless street waifs and their age-old wail of “ baksheesh ” — C.G.Pepper