I. ˈbȯltəˌmō(ə)r, -mȯ(ə)r, -mōə, -mȯ(ə), -_mə(r) sometimes -ltēm- or, locally & in rapid speech, -ləm- adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: from Baltimore, Maryland
: of or from the city of Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore crowds
: of the kind or style prevalent in Baltimore
II. noun
( -s )
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: after Lord Baltimore (George Calvert) died 1632 English proprietor and colonizer of Maryland
: an eastern No. American nymphalid butterfly ( Euphydryas phaëton ) that is black above with orange-red, yellow, and white spots, has a larva which is social in nests when young, hibernates before maturity, and feeds on turtlehead and related plants