ˈbānfəl adjective
Etymology: bane (I) + -ful
1. archaic : having poisonous qualities : noxious
2. : creating destruction, woe, or ruin : ruinous , harmful
baneful effects
constantly influencing our foreign policy in a baneful way — S.F.Bemis
3. : perversely productive of discomfort or misery
then came an east wind, baneful to me at all times — William Cowper
her love for him is a possessive and baneful love — J.D.Scot b.1915
students undergoing three hours of baneful examinations
4. : darkly or grimly threatening or foreboding : ominous
picturing their country in more lurid and baneful lights — Robert Brennan
the story, which has been acquiring a baneful intensity — Malcolm Cowley
Synonyms: see pernicious