I. adjective
Etymology: from present participle of become
1. : marked by fitness or propriety : suitable , seemly
becoming modesty
becoming respect and obedience
monks for whom self-effacement is becoming — H.O.Taylor
2. : having an attractive effect : tending to grace or adorn
a fashionable becoming dress
a hairdo becoming to her
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: from gerund of become
1. obsolete
a. : the action of befitting
b. : something that befits or becomes
a. : a coming into being : emergence into change that leads to a distinct stage or condition
life is a constant becoming : all stages lead to the beginning of others — G.B.Shaw
b. : a process in which the new appears : a passage of events in time : change
there is a constant becoming ; there was no beginning, there can be no ending — John Burroughs
• be·com·ing·ly adverb