I. ˈbelch verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English belchen, from Old English bealcian
intransitive verb
1. : to expel gas suddenly from the stomach through the mouth
2. : to erupt, explode, or detonate violently
artillery growled and belched on the horizon — Earle Birney
3. : to issue forth spasmodically : gush
the wind belching down the narrow alleys — G.G.Carter
obscenities belched out of him — Albert Morgan
transitive verb
a. : to throw out or cast forth violently : eject
smokestacks of rumbling smelters belch forth their fumes — Tom Marvel
b. : to vent forcibly : emit , ejaculate
belching blasphemies
a. : to expel (gas) from the stomach suddenly : eruct
b. : to burp (a baby)
II. noun
( -es )
1. : an act or instance of belching : eructation
2. : a sudden violent gush
a belch of flame
a belch of angry words
3. : beer of poor quality