ˈbīndə(r) noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from binden + -er
1. : one that binds: as
a. : bookbinder
b. : buncher
c. : a worker who stitches decorative or reinforcing bindings to wearing apparel, household furnishings, or upholstery
a. : something that is used in binding (as a fillet, band, or cord)
b. : a broad bandage applied (as about the chest or abdomen) for support
breast binder
obstetrical binder
c. : a detachable cover or other device for holding together sheets of paper or similiar material (as sheet music or magazines) in loose-leaf form — see post binder , ring binder , spring binder
d. : the sheet of tobacco that binds the filler in a cigar next to the wrapper
e. : a band (as of straw) used for binding sheaves of grain ; also : a band (as of wire) used for binding bales
f. : a series of extra warp or weft threads that hold together the face and back of a cloth (as a double cloth) by interweaving without disturbing the surface patterns
g. North : rubber band
a. : something (as tar or cement) that produces or promotes cohesion in loosely assembled substances
b. : the nonvolatile portion of a paint vehicle
c. : a substance (as flour or cornstarch) used in cooking as a thickening agent or as an agent to improve consistency (as of a sauce)
d. : a fibrous material used in plaster and stucco to increase their cohesiveness while in the plastic state
e. : an adhesive used in a coated paper or a material used in the paper stock to make the paper firmer and less fuzzy
f. : a substance (as cereal, oil, clay, resin, or pitch) that causes cohesion of the grains of sand in foundry molds or cores
g. : a substance added to metal powder to assist in cohesion of the metal particles during sintering
h. : a substance (as glucose or acacia) used in pharmacy to hold together the ingredients of a compressed tablet
4. : a mechanical device used in binding: as
a. : a sewing-machine attachment for putting on bindings
b. : a harvesting machine that cuts grain and binds it into bundles
c. : a single machine designed to perform several operations in the construction of a book
a. : a beam, girder, or frame used to bind together the parts of a structure
b. : a springy pole used for tightening a chain binding together a load of logs
c. weaving : a lever in a shuttle box that prevents the rebound of the shuttle
d. : bondstone , header
e. : one of the fibers connecting the staples so as to form a piece or fleece of wool
a. : a written instrument used when an insurance policy cannot be immediately issued to evidence that the insurance coverage attaches at a specified time and continues subject to a maximum limitation until the policy is issued or the risk is declined and notice thereof given
b. : binding receipt
7. : a receipt for money paid to the owner or his agent to secure the right to purchase a piece of real estate upon agreed terms ; also : the money itself
8. : binder line