I. (ˈ)bē|ōshən adjective
Etymology: Boeotia, district in ancient Greece (from Latin, from Greek Boiōtia ) + English -an
1. usually capitalized
a. : of, relating to, or characteristic of the ancient district of Boeotia in east central Greece
b. : of, relating to, or characteristic of Boeotians
2. often capitalized : marked by stupidity and philistinism : crudely obtuse : dull , loutish
a boeotian distaste for art
II. noun
( -s )
1. capitalized
a. : a native or inhabitant of Boeotia
b. : an Aeolic dialect of ancient Greek used by the Boeotians
2. often capitalized : a dull obtuse individual : a boorish opponent of art and letters : philistine , boor