I. ˈbōlshə̇ˌvik, ˈbäl-, -ˌvēk also ˈbȯl- sporadically ˈbəl- noun
( plural bolsheviks -ks ; also bol·she·viki -ˌvikē, -ˌvēkē)
Etymology: Russian bol'shevik, from bol'she larger (comp. of bol'shoi large, great) + -vik (nominal suffix); from their forming the majority group of the Russian Social Democratic party in 1903; akin to Greek belteros better — more at debility
1. usually capitalized
a. : a member of the wing of the Russian Social Democratic party that favored revolutionary tactics to achieve full socialization and seized supreme power in Russia during the Revolution (1917-20) for the purpose of setting up a workers' state
b. : a member of the Russian Communist party
2. often capitalized : an extreme radical opposed to an existing social, political, and economic order : revolutionary
began as a literary bolshevik but ended as a conservative
3. usually capitalized : communist
II. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
: of, relating to, favoring, or characteristic of bolshevism or Bolsheviks