also bou·stro·phei·don or bu·stro·phe·don or bu·stro·phei·don ˌbüstrəˈfēˌdän, -ēd ə n, | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷_fē|dän; bü|sträfə|dän
( -s )
Etymology: Greek boustrophēdon, adverb, turning like oxen in plowing, from bou- (from bous ox, cow) + -strophēdon (from strephein to turn) — more at cow , strophe
: the writing of alternate lines in opposite directions, one line from left to right and the next from right to left
• bou·stro·phe·don·ic |büstrəfē|dänik, (ˈ)bü|sträfə|- adjective