Meaning of BUMBLING in English

I. noun

( -s )

Etymology: from gerund of bumble (II)

: stupid and awkward blundering

a story of military fatuity, of pompous bumbling , of reckless waste of lives — J.H.Powers

II. adjective

Etymology: from present participle of bumble (II)


a. : blundering and awkward : likely to make foolish mistakes

a kindly, bumbling ne'er-do-well who had lately lost his job — Dixon Wecter

b. : ineffective as a speaker (as because of faltering and stuttering)

animated and splendidly communicative one evening and bumbling the next — R.H.Rovere

2. : marked by conspicuous blundering, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and lack of organization

the bumbling policies of the administration led to its downfall

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