I. ˈbəd.ək, -ətək noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English buttok — more at butt (end)
(1) : either of the two rounded prominences separated by a median cleft that form the lower part of the back in man and consist largely of the gluteus muscles
(2) : the lower part of the back made up of these prominences : seat — usually used in plural
b. buttocks plural : the corresponding part of a quadruped : rump
a. : the convex aftermost part of a ship above the water line : counter — usually used in plural
b. or buttock line : a line of intersection of a longitudinal vertical plane with the hull of a ship or the body or float of an aircraft
3. chiefly Britain : a maneuver in which a wrestler gets his opponent across his back and throws him over his head
II. transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
: to throw with a buttock
buttocked his opponent onto the mat