Meaning of CADUCEUS in English

kəˈd(y)üs(h)ēəs noun

( plural ca·du·cei -s(h)ēˌī)

Etymology: Latin caduceus, caduceum, modification of Greek (Doric) karykeion (Attic kērykeion ) herald's staff, from karyx (Attic kēryx ) herald; akin to Old English hrēth glory, Old High German hruod-, Old Norse hrōthr praise, Gothic hrotheigs triumphant, Sanskrit carkṛti praise

1. : the symbolic staff of a herald ; specifically : a conventionalized representation of a staff with two snakes curled around it and with two wings at the top

2. : an insignia consisting of or bearing a caduceus: as

a. : one of the symbols of a physician — compare staff of aesculapius

b. : the emblem of a medical corps or department of the armed services (as of the United States Army)

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