also can·cel·ation ˌkan(t)səˈlāshən, -ˌaa-, -ˌai-
( -s )
Etymology: cancel + -ation
a. : the act of canceling, of deleting, or of nullifying or invalidating
the cancellation of the faulty passage
cancellation of the town ordinance
(1) : the calling off of an arrangement (as for travel)
(2) : the accommodation released
was lucky to get a late cancellation for the trip to Chicago
2. : the result of canceling: as
a. : the set of marks on a piece of mail made in the process of canceling the stamp
b. : the marks applied to the stamp itself as distinct from the postmark
3. : the termination by the insured or the insurer or both of insurance in accordance with the specified terms of a policy