kəˈpichələm noun
( plural capitu·la -lə)
Etymology: Late Latin, from Latin, small head, diminutive of capit-, caput head — more at head
1. : a passage or reading from the Bible
[New Latin, fr Latin]
: a rounded usually terminal protuberance of a part: as
a. : the knob at the end of a bone or cartilage
b. : the enlarged tip of the proboscis of a fly
c. : the enlarged end of a halter of a fly
d. : the end of a capitate antenna
e. : the beak of a tick composed of the mouthparts and palpi
f. : the body of a barnacle as distinguished from the peduncle
[New Latin, from Latin]
a. : one of the rounded cells borne upon the manubrium in the antheridium of plants of the family Characeae
b. : a simple racemose inflorescence in which the primary axis is shortened and dilated forming a rounded or flattened cluster of sessile flowers (as in the buttonbush and in all composite plants) — called also head