Meaning of CAPSICUM in English

ˈkapsə̇kəm noun

Etymology: New Latin, probably from Latin capsa box + icum (neuter singular of -icus -ic) — more at case

1. capitalized : a genus of chiefly tropical perennial shrubby plants (family Solanaceae) that are widely grown as annuals for their fruits which under cultivation occur as many-seeded berries with a thickened usually fleshy integument and vary greatly in size, shape, color, and pungency — see bird pepper , cayenne pepper , hot pepper , sweet pepper

2. -s : any plant of the genus Capsicum

3. -s : the dried-ripe fruit of any of certain plants of the genus Capsicum (especially C. frutescens ) containing capsaicin and used as a gastric and intestinal stimulant and as a rubefacient

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