kəˈrīnə, -ˈē- noun
( plural carinas -nəz ; or cari·nae -ˈrīˌnē -ˈrēˌnī)
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, keel — more at careen
: any of various keel-shaped anatomical structures, ridges, or processes: as
a. : a ridge on the lower surface of the fornix of the brain — called also carina fornicis
b. : the ventral distal part of the vagina — called also carina urethralis, carina vaginae
c. : the part of a papilionaceous flower that encloses the stamens and pistil and consists of two commonly united petals
d. : the median ridge on the breastbone of most birds : keel
e. : a thickened ridge on the median dorsal plate of a barnacle
f. : any of several reinforcing ridges on the exoskeleton of an insect