|karə|lēn noun
( plural carolins -nz ; or caroli·ner ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈlēnə(r))
Etymology: Swedish karolin, from New Latin carolinus of Charles, from Medieval Latin Carolus Charles (after Charles XI died 1697, Charles XII died 1718 & Charles XIV died 1844, kings of Sweden) + Latin -inus -ine
1. : any of several coins issued under Swedish kings named Charles
2. or kar·o·lin |karə|lēn
[German karolin, from New Latin carolinus, from Medieval Latin Carolus (after Charles Albert died 1745 prince of Bavaria) + Latin -inus -ine]
(1) : an old gold coin of Bavaria first struck in the 18th century
(2) : any of several similar coins of southern German states, especially Württemberg
b. : a unit of value equivalent to a German carolin
half- carolin and 1/4- carolin coins
[modification of Italian carlino ]
: carlin I