Meaning of CATENARY in English

I. ˈkad.əˌnerē, -atəˌne-, -at ə nˌe-, -ri, esp Brit kəˈtēnər- noun

( -es )

Etymology: New Latin catenaria, from Latin, feminine of catenarius, from catena + -arius -ary

1. : the curve assumed by a perfectly flexible inextensible cord of uniform density and cross section hanging freely from two fixed points

2. : something having or being in the form of a catenary or a series of catenaries: as

a. : a cable suspended between two points (as in a suspension bridge)

b. : a length of cordage secured to or in a piece of fabric in the form of such a curve

II. adjective

Etymology: Latin catenarius

1. : being or belonging to a catena

2. : like or belonging to a catenary

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