Meaning of CELLULOID in English

I. ˈselyəˌlȯid also -eləˌl- or ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ noun

( -s )

Etymology: from Celluloid, a trademark

1. : a tough highly flammable but not usually explosive synthetic thermoplastic composed essentially of cellulose nitrate and a plasticizer (as camphor) and used in the manufacture of toilet articles (as combs and brushes), novelties, and photographic films

2. : motion-picture film

the story was on celluloid in a year

also : motion pictures

repeated for celluloid her stage role — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union

movie buffs with their insatiable appetite for celluloid — John Simon

II. adjective

: of or relating to the motion pictures : cinematic

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