ˈsen.trik, -rēk adjective
Etymology: Greek kentrikos of the center, from kentron center, sharp point
1. : located in or at a center : central
a centric point
a. : having a center : having parts grouped around or directed to a center
a centric activity
b. : tending to cluster around a center : marked by concentration on something as of central importance
centric ideas
3. : of or relating to a nerve center
a. of leaves : cylindrical , terete
b. : of or concerning the order Centrales
c. of a diatom : having the surface markings radially arranged (as in members of the order Centrales)
[translation of German zentrisch ]
of a rock : having a texture (as oolitic, ocellar) in which the constituents are grouped about a center
6. : possessing or relating to a centromere
7. of dental occlusion : involving spatial relationships such that all teeth of both jaws meet in a normal manner and forces exerted by the lower on the upper jaw are perfectly distributed in the dental arch